Dog diet for excess weight

Is your dog overweight? The Meradog Guide explains the causes and the steps you need to take to ensure a healthy diet for your dog. Read now!

Put a stop to canine obesity

According to the latest studies, roughly 45 % of all dogs in Germany suffer from obesity and all of the resulting ailments. Although all dog owners only want the best for their pet, they often find it difficult to make a realistic assessment of whether a dog is overweight. With the right dog diet plan and special diet dog food, you can help your pet lose weight the healthy way without resorting to starvation. Find out more about the causes and consequences of overweight in dogs and use our expert tips and the dog diet plan to help your dog lose weight the healthy way.

Cause - Consequences - Help

Recognising excess weight

As long as you can see the last pair of ribs or feel them without pressing, you can assume that your dog is the ideal weight. However, if you need to apply pressure in order to feel the ribs, your dog is suffering from excess weight. A dog is defined as being overweight if its weight deviates by more than 10% from the normal weight for its breed. If it deviates by more than 20% from the normal weight for the breed, a dog is deemed to be obese. You should always ask yourself: How much food is my dog really getting between meals? The energy content of in-between snacks is often underestimated. Those who realistically gauge rations will be more successful in managing a dog's diet. Be realistic when estimating daily activity levels: For example, daily activities of 2 hours in total are the norm for a medium-sized dog. Simply by increasing the daily activity level, you are already taking the first step in the right direction.

Cause of excess weight

If the dog consumes more energy (calories) than it burns up over an extended period, this excess energy is converted into body fat, resulting in excess weight. The causes are:

  • insufficient exercise
  • too many dog biscuits
  • excessive portion sizes at mealtimes
  • in-between snacks too substantial
  • dog food too substantial

In addition, neutered males and older dogs are particularly susceptible to excess weight, which can be attributed to changes in hormone levels and reduced levels of activity.

Consequences of excess weight

Overweight dogs have frequent ailments and suffer from serious illnesses in the truest sense of the word:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Respiratory problems
  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Premature joint wear
  • Lower quality of life
  • Shorter life expectancy

First aid for excess weight

  • Eliminating pre-existing illnesses
    Contact your vet for assistance in eliminating pre-existing illnesses

  • Learn how to say no
    This could be the biggest test of your love for your dog if it demands too much dog food or too many dog biscuits
  • Cutting down on nutrition
    The daily energy input should be realistically checked and significantly reduced
  • Taking care with snacks
    An in-between snack often provides more than a dog's daily requirements, so pay particular attention in this regard
  • Increase activity levels
    Every step reduces weight. Increase the daily exercise level gradually but significantly
  • Special diet dog food
    High-quality diet dog foods such as those supplied by Meradog are rich in fibre and help dogs reduced weight without going hungry
  • Feeding through searching games
    This can encourage your dog to become more active. Scatter the dry food around the garden lawn or hide the biscuits throughout the apartment. Your dog will gain exercise while hunting and will also train its nose. Your dog may have so much fun that you can allow it to forage for all its food as part of search or retrieving games

Tips for the success of the dog diet

Before the dog diet

Even if pre-existing illnesses are eliminated, the dog diet should be supervised by a vet particularly in the case of obesity. This ensures that optimum results are achieved and that any medications are adjusted for weight loss.

Starting the dog diet

It is possible to start a dog diet without having to make the dog go hungry. Calorie-reduced diet dog food provides your dog with balanced and calorie-conscious nutrition, with a long-lasting feeling of satiation.

Take the test - How successful is the dog diet?

  • Weigh your dog regularly and record the weight history weekly
  • You are also welcome to take measurements to record the change in abdominal circumference. Remember: Muscle is heavier than fat!
  • There may be a blood test before the dog diet. Ask your vet if the blood values have improved

Our recommendations for you

Finding an ideal diet dog food

Selecting the diet dog food

The comprehensive MERA product range offers first-class dog food for the special needs of overweight dogs or dogs with a tendency for excess weight. All of the nutrients in this dog food are gauged to prevent any deficiencies, even in the long term. We recommend wheat-free MERA essential light diet food. In particularly critical cases and under veterinary treatment, we recommend our MERAVITAL Weight Control food for weight reduction.

Our recommendation for a dog diet plan

How to succeed the dog diet 

Below we give you a precise recommendation of how the ideal weight reduction with MERA essential Light can look like:

Weight reduction - amount of food per day for MERA essential Light
Weight, kg351015203040506070
Gram/ Day5075125170210285350415475535

You can feed the MERA essential Light dog food for a long time, because all nutrients are measured so that even in the long term no deficiency arises. If the dog has reached the ideal weight, you can slightly increase the feed ration as follows:

Weight maintenance - feed amount per day for MERA essential Light
Weight, kg351015203040506070
Gram/ Day6595155210260355440515595665